R with Snakemake: a few hurdles to overcome

When working on the wrappers for DADA2, I had to respect both the grammar of Python/Snakemake and R. Here are some of the hurdles I have encountered.

Keeping the log

Keeping track of the log is quite easy in Snakemake when the tools can run in the shell. Don’t mistake me, R scripts can also be run on the shell using Rscript and Deer and Langer showed that you can use the command Rscript > {log} to correctly keep track of your script. However, when using wrappers you do not have access to this command because in the Snakemake grammar instead of the script: word you have the wrapper: word.

I knew the sink() R function to redirect the output of R commands to a file. But when trying to redirect both messages and errors to the file when testing my wrappers it failed. The following post on stackoverflow provided the solution, which in short needs two invocations of sink() to be able to capture both messages. It is now included in the wrappers I wrote.

Passing parameters to R

Snakemake provide both reproducible and customizable workflows. But providing parameters to R wrappers was harder than I thought. Looking at others R wrappers I saw two approaches. Either be fully explicit (and redundant) by copying all the R arguments of the needed functions into the Snakemake params: word. Or be transparent and pass arguments in a character string that would be further interpreted with the R functions parse() and eval().

I wanted something more flexible and decided to rely on the R function do.call() which enables the execution of a function based on arguments provided as named list (see 6.2.4 from Hadley’s Advanced R).

Using such structure, I could pass a Python dictionary to Snakemake params: that would then be interpreted as a named lists in R. For instance:

rule dada2_filter_trim_pe:
    # [...]
        {'maxEE':1, 'truncLen': [240,200] }
    # [...]

Snakemake convert the Python dictionary into a named list which can be directly used for the R function (here dada2::filterAndTrim()). Such named list if part of the larger snakemake S4 object that we can access in R (more info on Snakemake docs).

However, you cannot concatenate the lists provided (snakemake@input, snakemake@output and snakemake@params) and expect do.call() to do all the work. No, because Snakemake passes the input: as unnumbered list and as named list. So for input and output slots I could not do directly do.call(filterAndTrim, snakemake@input). Instead, I needed to prepare the arguments as follow:

        fwd = snakemake@input[["fwd"]],
        rev = snakemake@input[["rev"]],
        filt = snakemake@output[["filt"]],
        filt.rev = snakemake@output[["filt_rev"]],

Most of the submitted Snakemake wrappers can now accept Python dictionaries to customize the underlying DADA2 R functions.

These wrappers are currently under reviews by the team of the Snakemake wrappers repository. Meanwhile I try to design a DADA2 meta-wrapper to be able to nicely assemble these bricks.